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How to wear chunky earrings

thick statement earrings gold vermeil

Statement chunky earrings

Chunky earrings can be a stylish addition to any outfit, and there are several ways to wear them depending on your personal style and the occasion. Here are a few tips on how to wear chunky earrings:

1. Keep it simple: Chunky earrings are already a statement piece, so you don’t want to overwhelm your outfit by adding too many other accessories. Keep the rest of your accessories minimal to allow the earrings to stand out.

2. Let them be the focal point: If you’re wearing chunky earrings, consider wearing your hair up or pulling it back to keep the focus on your earrings.

3. Pair them with simple outfits: Chunky earrings work best with simple outfits that won’t compete for attention. A classic white t-shirt and jeans, for example, can be elevated with a pair of bold earrings.

4. Consider your face shape: If you have a round face, opt for longer, dangly earrings to create the illusion of length. If you have a long face, chunky studs or wider hoops can help balance your features.

5. Match your style: Chunky earrings come in a variety of styles, from boho to glam, so choose a pair that fits your personal style and the occasion.

When it comes to actually wearing chunky earrings, you can wear them with almost any outfit. Whether you’re dressing up or dressing down, chunky earrings can add a touch of glamour and style to your look.

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